My Journey to Georgia. Part 14
He walked away and I knew that I really hurt him in away that I couldn’t take back. I wasn’t sorry I just wanted my life back they way it was before I got with him. I wasn’t involved with anyone but I wasn’t feeling all these emotions that I never felt before either. Days went by and he didn’t call and I didn’t call him either. I had decided that I wanted to get a break from New York and decide to go visit my family in Palm Bay, Florida from my father side. I wasn’t going to tell him that I was going to leave but I did anyway. I left the following week to Florida my grandmother paid for the trip and booked my ticket for 3 weeks. I got there and for the first few days I was excited because it had been years since I’d seen my family. The last time I had seen my cousins I was 10 and here I am now 21 and pregnant. They were excited when I got there and I was looking forward to my grandmothers carrot juice and Jamaican food. I was there for almost a 1 1/2 weeks...