My Journey to Georgia Cont.. Part 5
he was going to have to do surgery on my mouth. I called my mother and asked that she come be with me during my consultation with the doctor. I brought him the x-ray’s that my previous dentist had done. He looked at the x-ray and said the other doctor shouldn’t have cut into my mouth. He told me that the tumor was almost the size of a tangerine.
( imagine something this big growing in your mouth)
I was scared out of my mind because he said that he needed to do surgery immediately. He was concern that it was a cancerous tumor and did not want it to get any bigger. Cancer was all I heard from the duration of the conversation. He’s lips were moving but my mind was on the fact that he said Cancer. I just bowed my head and prayed at that very second. I will never forget the very day of surgery because I was about to find out if I had cancer and my face would probably never look the same again. The day of surgery I laid there and prayed as they prepped me. I remember there was this one nurse who was so mean and she kept sticking me with the needle. She couldn’t find a good vain to insert the needle for the IV. I tried to help but she wanted to do her own thing. When the doctor came in I was glad to see him the anesthesia they gave me started to work. The doctor asked if I was okay and I remember saying no that Bitch and tried to point to the nurse and I was knocked The next thing I remember was I woke up in recovery and couldn’t talk. The nurse seen that I was crying and asked if I wanted my mother. All I could do is shake my head yes. She was the only person I wanted right then. The recovery went well. They had to reconstruct the right side of my bottom jaw. The doctor told me that it wasn’t cancerous and that I may not ever get the full feeling back on the right side of my mouth. He said that it may droop and that my mouth may not fully close. I rebuked all that he said and told him God got this. Point is my mouth within a couple of months healed properly and I have feeling on the right side as well. God is Good all the time.All the dentist at Brookdale hospital couldn’t believe how fast I had recovered when I went in for my checkup.
After all that happen I went back to church because I knew only god was the reason why I had healed so quickly. One, Sunday while attending service the pastor preached about finding your mate. He said if you want a husband you have to ask GOD for him but he also said if your not ready don’t ask for God to send you one. I was ready and immediately asking God to send me a good man to love and cherish me. Strange thing happen that night, my god sister asked how my friend was doing (daughter's dad) and immediately I felt butterflies and told her I hadn’t spoken to him in a long time. I called him and his mother answered, she said that he didn’t lived there anymore . She told me me not to call her house again and hung up the phone. I felt crushed because I wanted to speak to him. Well that Friday while working from home the phone rang and it was him. I couldn’t believe it and begin blushing I told him that he was going to live along time. I was jumping up and down and could not stop smiling. I felt like a high school teenager. He told me that he didn’t know what to say because he didn’t think that I would actually pick up the phone (remember previously I was ignoring his calls). He told me that he was speaking to his friend about me and he convinced him to call me. He said that he’d been thinking about me and missed talking to me. I was shocked and slid down the wall that was now holding me up from falling. All I could think about was my prayer that I had prayed on Sunday. I thought to myself was this God’s way of saying that this man was suppose to be my husband… to be cont..
I was scared out of my mind because he said that he needed to do surgery immediately. He was concern that it was a cancerous tumor and did not want it to get any bigger. Cancer was all I heard from the duration of the conversation. He’s lips were moving but my mind was on the fact that he said Cancer. I just bowed my head and prayed at that very second. I will never forget the very day of surgery because I was about to find out if I had cancer and my face would probably never look the same again. The day of surgery I laid there and prayed as they prepped me. I remember there was this one nurse who was so mean and she kept sticking me with the needle. She couldn’t find a good vain to insert the needle for the IV. I tried to help but she wanted to do her own thing. When the doctor came in I was glad to see him the anesthesia they gave me started to work. The doctor asked if I was okay and I remember saying no that Bitch and tried to point to the nurse and I was knocked The next thing I remember was I woke up in recovery and couldn’t talk. The nurse seen that I was crying and asked if I wanted my mother. All I could do is shake my head yes. She was the only person I wanted right then. The recovery went well. They had to reconstruct the right side of my bottom jaw. The doctor told me that it wasn’t cancerous and that I may not ever get the full feeling back on the right side of my mouth. He said that it may droop and that my mouth may not fully close. I rebuked all that he said and told him God got this. Point is my mouth within a couple of months healed properly and I have feeling on the right side as well. God is Good all the time.All the dentist at Brookdale hospital couldn’t believe how fast I had recovered when I went in for my checkup.
After all that happen I went back to church because I knew only god was the reason why I had healed so quickly. One, Sunday while attending service the pastor preached about finding your mate. He said if you want a husband you have to ask GOD for him but he also said if your not ready don’t ask for God to send you one. I was ready and immediately asking God to send me a good man to love and cherish me. Strange thing happen that night, my god sister asked how my friend was doing (daughter's dad) and immediately I felt butterflies and told her I hadn’t spoken to him in a long time. I called him and his mother answered, she said that he didn’t lived there anymore . She told me me not to call her house again and hung up the phone. I felt crushed because I wanted to speak to him. Well that Friday while working from home the phone rang and it was him. I couldn’t believe it and begin blushing I told him that he was going to live along time. I was jumping up and down and could not stop smiling. I felt like a high school teenager. He told me that he didn’t know what to say because he didn’t think that I would actually pick up the phone (remember previously I was ignoring his calls). He told me that he was speaking to his friend about me and he convinced him to call me. He said that he’d been thinking about me and missed talking to me. I was shocked and slid down the wall that was now holding me up from falling. All I could think about was my prayer that I had prayed on Sunday. I thought to myself was this God’s way of saying that this man was suppose to be my husband… to be cont..
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