A father's love!
You ever wanted to be daddy's little girl. I believe that every little girl has the desire to be daddy's little princess. Unfortunately it doesn't always work out like that and the little girl always wind up with her heart broken and dreams crushed. My perception on a daddy's girl is a man who cherishes his daughter. Fathers who wants nothing but the best for her and see’s her as his princess that no one can have. I was once this little girl who wanted nothing more than to have her father around full time. I really don't have many memories of spending time with my father. I only remember bits and pieces growing up. I can recall him always making promises that he never kept. I remember it being my birthday and he called me maybe a week or two prior to let me know to look out for my birthday card. He told me he sent me some money and wanted me to go buy something nice for myself. Here I am about to be 9 or 10 years old, excited because my father said he was going...