Just because!
I just had the best sleep I've had
in a very long time. Work was crazy busy and today has been the only day I had
off except Christmas. I even thought about working today but I was like heck
nah, I’m done for now that is. It was a seasonal position but they offered me a
full time position that will start in a week or two. I’m grateful no complaints
from me. I killed them in overtime this week. Anyway, while I was laying down
sleeping (trying to go back) this morning I kept coming up with what I wanted
to write about and I just popped up and made my coffee, brushed my teeth and
washed my face.. Guess I like ya’ll that much that I felt the need to share my
thoughts with you. Even though I should be trying to get some rest and enjoy
that I’m not standing on my feet for eight or more hours or in front of a
computer…lol Oh well I got some good stuff to talk about and I hope you enjoy it.
The last couple of days I’ve been
waking up with a smile and being a bit horny at the same time. No, I haven’t been
getting any but I have been getting these messages from my Mr. Right Guy, and
all I can say is if and when I get the chance I am going to…. Ok I digress from
that part of the conversation…lol Let’s just say that if you read it’s a Shh it’s
a secret than you would understand that it goes deeper than that. However get
this I was even speechless at times when he sent me these messages. I had to
cool off and come back and tear into his ass. He may have stumped me for a
minute or two but not for too long. I
think I will share just a little of what my morning conversations look like.
You’ve been warned so don’t be all shocked when you read some of the stuff…Lol
I felt myself having an off day so I
sent him a text message and asked him to make me smile and this is what I got.
I really wasn’t expecting all of this but here it is:
Can I kiss you with everyone watching? Will you kiss me like no
one is watching? Can you pull me close and imagine us wrapped inside one
another? Can you look me in my eyes as you climax and squirt on our sheets?
Well you allow me to hold you until you stop shaking?
Can I kiss your tears, and calm your fears about men? Can I learn how to love you, encourage, and support your dreams with you not running away? Will you allow me to Honor you with my actions in how I live for us, and serve you as I serve our God? Can you help me raise these leaders? Can you be my sunrise? And my pillow when I sleep? Cooking and cleaning I can do myself! But can you love me for me and not what you see? Just....please be my perfect 10!
Can I kiss your tears, and calm your fears about men? Can I learn how to love you, encourage, and support your dreams with you not running away? Will you allow me to Honor you with my actions in how I live for us, and serve you as I serve our God? Can you help me raise these leaders? Can you be my sunrise? And my pillow when I sleep? Cooking and cleaning I can do myself! But can you love me for me and not what you see? Just....please be my perfect 10!
Oh you know I had to respond even
though I told him that he had me speechless and I was impressed by how he had
me smiling. I even let my co-worker read it and all she could say was “she was
smiling now too” all I could was laugh and told her I had to get him back. She
read Shh it’s a secret and she knew that I was going to have the only comeback!
Well here goes my comeback to what he wrote:
I can
kiss you in front of a thousand people but only see you as I kiss your lips. I
can feel your dick throbbing as you put him inside me and I began to cum
instantly. Please, hold me tighter because I’m unable to control the climax as
I cum harder and harder. Unable to look into your eyes as my back arches
further back. My body relaxes as I feel cum run down my pussy, down to my ass
and onto the sheets. I want you to look deep into my eyes as you embrace me
when I feel down. Give me the security of knowing I have a real man.
Constantly, telling me to pursue my dreams. Encouraging messages that make me
smile. I’m not running anywhere but into your arms. Your actions speak louder
than words and I’m honored to have someone who loves me as much as he does God.
We lead by example and as we stand strong. We will lead our leaders on the path
of success. I’ll cook; you’ll clean and we’ll switch up. I’ll love you for you
and at night you can lay on me so that you can hear how our heart beats are in
sync. I’m far from perfect but striving to be the best that I can for you and
Yup, I laid it into him but man it feels so good to have someone who can feed off your energy and vice versa. He’s not my man ya’ll he’s just a very good friend with lots of potential of being my man. No, I will not have pictures of me and him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other social network. I’ve tried to have a relationship before and we both thought we could be friends on all of these social networks. It was the worst mistake ever. I think for you to be able to been on each other’s networks than you should be with that person for a very long time and the foundation is strong. Its true and you know it because as soon as you see a female/male comment something inappropriate on your partners page/picture you’re going to flip out. It’s not about you being insecure it’s about you being honest with yourself. (We all have some jealousy in us) I would share more but I won’t…lol Hey, I need some of his juicy messages for my eyes and body only. Enough about Mr. Right Guy for now (if you read my blogs than you’ll know who I’m talking about...lol) DRUNK IN LOVE BY BEYONCE
I will say that I wasn’t a fan of it
at first but damn that has been on repeat for the last couple of days. (And no
I’m not in love, maybe in lust...smh) I feel everything she is saying in this
song...lol I’m no hater believe me I know she is talented but this song is not
for any kids under 16 years old to be singing and if my child even utter the
words Drunk in love, her teeth will be on the floor. I’m just saying it’s too
much for little children to be singing. My opinions don’t like it oh well!!
Well the next couple of days are
going to be challenge for me but I’m going to try and write to clear my mind.
This will be the first year anniversary of my beautiful mother’s death. I know I’m
doing okay now that I can even say that without crying. Whelp, until next time
folks hope you enjoyed the read!!
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