Sex changes things!

We all know that sex changes everything and some wonder why. I tell you from experience that I much rather have friend who I can fantasize with then lose that friend because we both decided to cross the line of being friends. I got to be real blunt with you on this post so please make sure you want to read what I’m about to write. It doesn’t help that I had drink before I started writing this post either but here I go.

As you know I went to visit my friend almost two weeks ago and we had a blast. I was treated like a Queen should be treated and it was more than I could of imagine. I can’t say that I was in love because I had sex with him. I just enjoyed my moment with him and all that came with it. I don’t have any regrets about sleeping with him. It had been a long, long time since I had any real contact with a man. The attraction was there and as soon as I got to his place it was on and popping. I needed a shower and he wanted to make sure my back was nice and clean. You get it right! I loved every minute of it; he did his job which was to make me cum. I hate to seem so blunt but its time you know why things changed the moment I left and got back on the bus to go back home. 

He changed on me within days and I wasn’t sure what had happened. We enjoyed each other completely. Shit, he even came within minutes of getting some…lol (I mean boy come on what the heck changed between you  cumming every time you where inside me). I was lost because from what I figured we should still be good if not even better with each other. Boy was I wrong and I asked him what was different. He said nothing was wrong and that we were okay. I took him for his word but when I texted or called him I got a response hours later. I was not happy about that because this was not the same guy who would call me or text right after I called or texted him. He had changed and I knew it was all because he got what he wanted.  I was getting pissed because I thought we were better than that, in my mind I thought we had built a friendship that could withstand us having sex. I mean it was just sex and nothing more to me.  Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed having sex with him but if we never had sex again I would be okay with that (I told him this). Anyway, I started letting my emotions get the best of me and I texted him things that I wouldn’t normally text him (ladies don’t let your emotions get you to this point because it’s hard to go back) and all that did was push him further away from me. Let me explain when I knew things had gotten really bad for us. 

I told him that I had enjoyed the time we spent and that I enjoyed how he made me feel. He asked me how he made me feel. I explained that he made me feel like no man has made me feel before which the truth. He did things for me that only a man who really cared about me would do. Not even the baby daddy did some of the things this man did for me...Lol Hey, any woman would appreciate this man but as I tell him my story he tells me how his ex is the reason why he treated me like he did. What the fuck, how can you take my moment from me and make it about a chick who you’re not even with. I wasn’t feeling that and it did make me feel away. He told me that he could tell by my tone that I started to shut down on him. Tell me what person wants to hear about the next bitch when she/he is trying to enjoy the moment they had with you.  This is when my emotions went out of control and he started to shut down on me.  I would call and the calls where shorter and his tone was nonchalant.  I needed answer to why the hell he was acting like a mitch!! (You understand what I’m saying)
Well we finally spoke and we resolved some things but it won’t be the same because he feels like I can’t control my emotions and I can’t trust that he will be honest with his feelings. He says he’s still not ready to take on the responsibility of anyone else feelings (a woman/ relationship) I honestly feel like its bullshit and I’m going to give him what he needs and that his space. I was a friend to him and he doesn’t see how his comment changed how I felt. He never talked about his ex and he waits until we have sex to want to be all open to talk about her. What the hell ever, I know there is more to his story but I’ll leave it alone. I  had a great friend of mine begged me not to go there with him and I should’ve listen but you know what happen to the cat right! Curiosity killed it and now that I know what it is I don’t ever want to go back there again. I apologized for my emotions getting the best of me and I asked would things ever go back to being the same. He said one day they will but I know they won’t and that makes me sad because he was someone who I trusted to be there for me forever. Well forever is such a long time and situations don’t always work out how we want them to. 

I learned that even when you start a friendship that there are boundaries that should be kept and when crossing those boundaries be prepared for the outcome. I feel like I lost a great friend because of sex and I promised myself that I wouldn’t have sex with anyone except the person that I love and want to be with me. Well I can say that didn’t happen but I don’t regret having sex with him. It just gave me a different perspective on what it is I want out of a partner.  Communications is so valuable and when that is lost things get out of control. From this point on I will move forward and if he’s still in my life as a friend then I willing to be there but if not then he wasn’t meant to be in my life forever.  I just wished he had open up to me and told me how he really felt but I won’t dwell on it. He may even think I’m a little crazy with my emotions being so up and down but I’m human and I don’t do well with people playing with my emotions. Sex will never just be sex. So I say be careful when making that decision to lay in bed with anyone. Woman you give a man a piece of your soul when you share you self with him. Men you give woman the idea that there is a deeper connection than it may be. Just be clear what it is you both are doing. Life is too short to be trying to make people understand what your intentions are when you have sex with them.  So, just make sure you give yourself to the one person that you see yourself with. I didn’t do that and now I’m hurting because the friendship that I loved is no longer there. 

Until next time… Keep it strapped and don’t give yourself away because of your emotions, God knows your worth and you should too. 


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