2014 "FOCUS"

It’s a New Year and it’s time to do what you want. No more excuses about I can’t do this and I can’t do that. You can do anything you put your mind to as long as you FOCUS, that’s right I made sure to capitalize that, word specifically. I hope that everyone bought in the New Year in positive. I can tell you that as hard as it was to be happy about this New Year, I had to remember that if my mother was alive then I wouldn’t be sad. I wasn’t able to go to church but I did stream live with my old church that I went to back in Brooklyn. Christian Cultural Center the pastor is Rev. A. R. Bernard. I will recommend anyone to go to this church if you live in Brooklyn, NY His sermons always make me feel fresh and ready to hear what he’s going to teach next. He gave the congregation a key word FOCUS and he had eight key points to go with the word focus. I felt the need to share because that’s what I do. Hope this helps you as much it has already help me to focus my life right now.

will also mention how he talked about GRACE and his definition for what grace was: Grace is the quality of being, warm hearted, considerate, sympathetic, and affectionate and forgiving. It is always God’s graces that get us through all the things we face in life. Think about it like this; Grace keeps us in Christ, Grace Increases your faith and when you start feeling like you’re not doing things by: not praying, feeling bad about not going to church, not tithing these are feelings of grace. (When you desire to pray and increase your love its grace that frees you) If you are not in the word of God (Or whatever God you serve) these things will mean absolutely nothing to you. Hopefully you can become convicted and realize that if not for the grace of God where would you be.

I’ll give you the key point: I’ll also give my interpretation of what I got from his key points.

1. Focus is a wondrous sensation of clarity and alertness (be clear and alert about life you’ll have this if you are focused)
2. Focus is fearlessness in the face of opposition (I went through this with losing my mom and I we all still face different challenges in our lives)
3. Focus is confidence in what you put your mind to (self explanatory “Just do it”)
4. Focus is keeping your head erect your eyes on the ball and knocking it out the park (Your dream, aspirations, success)
5. Focus is getting in the zone and keeping on your toes and staying on target (no procrastination, no excuses)
6. Focus is power (If you can maintain your life by focusing and getting it done then you’re on the right track)
7. Focus is taking hold of life and not letting go until your dreams become reality (no need for me to give my point on this)
8. Focus is knowing that God is for you than who can be against you!!!

It can’t get any better than that people. You are the reason things don’t go the way they suppose to, you are the reason for I can’t or the excuses. I am not trying to push religion on anyone but it doesn’t matter who you serve Jehovah, Allah, Hari, Buddha, etc. We all believe in someone and our faith and trust is in that spirit, person, idol or whatever it is. Just start focusing on you and stop worrying about everything else going on around you. You wonder why you keep missing out on some things in your life. Focus!! Life is too short to live in regrets about I could’ve, should’ve but didn’t. I will admit that this was a part of my problem and after the last year I had. I refuse to focus on my past but concentrate on what’s ahead. The fact that I can share my life experiences with the world and not be concerned with how people look at me is my start. I have to books I’ve been talking about and that is one of my focus this year is to have both publish before 2015. It’s not going to be easy but I know I was never promised that it would be. So I take on the challenges that I will face and put my faith in my God JESUS CHRIST and trust that I will succeed. I won’t change what I talk about because I have come to a decision in my life to focus on me and do right. I am doing right when I express how I feel and the things that go on around me. If you continue to follow my Journey than may you be blessed by what I write and if you don’t then may you still be blessed with the life decision you make.

Until next time I thank you for reading and I hope that you are just excited as I am about 2014 being your year!!


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