My Journey to Georgia.. Part 18
The next month was really bad, we argued more than we normally would've. I planning my daughters christening and he wasn't around for any of it. He all of sudden had to go buffalo for some job he claimed he had. The same week of his own daughters christening. I told his folks about it and if they wanted to come they were more than welcome to come. The day of the christening his mother calls me and tells me that he was trying to make it back but it didn't seem like he was going to make it. I was furious and couldn't believe that he would miss his own daughter special blessing. Everything was so beautiful, my parents stayed back to cook for the event and her god father brought her the cutest cake. How about maybe an hour after we get home, He strolls in my apartment like shit was okay. I was pissed and told him he could leave right now. He went into the back and laid across the bed, his mother went to the back to talk to him. I was pissed and ready for him leave, his mother came out the room and asked if she could talk to us. I said sure, but I was in no mood for her trying to be the mediator between us. She went off on us and told me that she would fuck us both up if we ruin her grandbaby day. It took everything in me not to laugh in her face and tell her she needed to go ahead with the bullshit. I sucked it up and went back in the living room, I was hot but didn't want to start a fight. Overall we had a good time, when everyone was about to leave I asked him to go with his family. He laid back on the bed and started crying, I was a sucker when it came to his feelings. I wiped always his tears as he apologized over and over again. My heart knew that something wasn't right but I still loved him. His mother came into the room and asked was he leaving with them. He mumbled no and she asked him was he okay. He told her yes, and that he was going to stay there with me. I didn't understand why she was so concerned with him staying with me. ( I know why now) He stayed and she left with his siblings to go home. This was just the beginning of the moments he missed with his child.
So I just found out that I was 4 weeks pregnant by my daughters father and I knew that with me living with my mother I was not ready to bring another child into the world. I cried and prayed and asked god to forgive me for making the decision not to have the baby. It divested me and I really wasn't sure that I could go through it. I spoke to him and told him that I had made a decision that was best for the both of us. He was living with his mother as well, and barely had a steady job. He was okay with it and told me that he was sorry that I had to go through this. He told me that he was ready for us to get a place together and try and work it out. That gave me hope and I knew that right now was this was the best thing for me to do. He said he would come and pick me up to go with me to the doctor's . He picked me up in a black car that I knew wasn't his and questioned him about it. He said that it was his friends girlfriend car, and that he let him borrow it while he was at work. For as long as I knew him, he has never drove any car owned by any of his friends. This really didn't sit with me well and I started doing my own investigation of what the truth was. However he dropped me off and told me to call him when it was time for me to leave. It was a one day procedure and it wasn't going to be but a couple of hours. It was one of the worst experiences of my life and I was crying the whole time. I couldn't believe I was doing something that I was so against. I seen females of all ages, races, and I was shock to see a woman who was five months pregnant and she was there to get rid of her baby that was moving right in front of my eyes. I wanted to run right out and now I wish I have. Anyway, the procedure was done and I called him to come get me. The calls were going straight to voicemail and I was becoming very agitated. I tried one last time and he picked up and said he was on his way. I was going to ask why was his phone off but decided to wait until he came to get me. He came about and hour later and I was fuming, it shouldn't have taken that long for him to come get me. I got in the car and just looked around to see if anything was weird. I just seen that it was definitely a females car, gym sneakers, girl bag. My heart was beating so fast and I really didn't want to think that he would be crazy enough to have me in a chicks car that he was cheating on me with. I asked him again who's car it was and he told me again it was his friend, girlfriend car. He seen my face and he went to rub my stomach. I slapped his hand away and looked at him as if I could kill him. Told him that he was crazy if he thought I was going to let him rub my stomach after I just got rid of our child. He sucked his teeth and put his hand back on the steering wheel. He dropped me off and told me that he needed to bring his friend car back, and that he would call me later. I told him I didn't want him to leave but he said that he would come back over. Told me he loved me and walked out the door.
I went to go lay in the bed and something was not sitting right with me. I got up and called him because I left my bag in the car and wanted him to bring it back to me. The phone went to straight to voicemail and I didn't understand why he turned off his phone again. I knew his phone was charged because when we were in the car, I seen the battery was fully charged. I decided to leave a message on his house phone, I dialed the number and a female picked up the phone. I asked who I was speaking with and she gave me her name and said hello to me like she knew who I was. I asked her how does she know me, and she said you and your daughters father have a child together and that she was his GIRLFRIEND.. to be cont..
So I just found out that I was 4 weeks pregnant by my daughters father and I knew that with me living with my mother I was not ready to bring another child into the world. I cried and prayed and asked god to forgive me for making the decision not to have the baby. It divested me and I really wasn't sure that I could go through it. I spoke to him and told him that I had made a decision that was best for the both of us. He was living with his mother as well, and barely had a steady job. He was okay with it and told me that he was sorry that I had to go through this. He told me that he was ready for us to get a place together and try and work it out. That gave me hope and I knew that right now was this was the best thing for me to do. He said he would come and pick me up to go with me to the doctor's . He picked me up in a black car that I knew wasn't his and questioned him about it. He said that it was his friends girlfriend car, and that he let him borrow it while he was at work. For as long as I knew him, he has never drove any car owned by any of his friends. This really didn't sit with me well and I started doing my own investigation of what the truth was. However he dropped me off and told me to call him when it was time for me to leave. It was a one day procedure and it wasn't going to be but a couple of hours. It was one of the worst experiences of my life and I was crying the whole time. I couldn't believe I was doing something that I was so against. I seen females of all ages, races, and I was shock to see a woman who was five months pregnant and she was there to get rid of her baby that was moving right in front of my eyes. I wanted to run right out and now I wish I have. Anyway, the procedure was done and I called him to come get me. The calls were going straight to voicemail and I was becoming very agitated. I tried one last time and he picked up and said he was on his way. I was going to ask why was his phone off but decided to wait until he came to get me. He came about and hour later and I was fuming, it shouldn't have taken that long for him to come get me. I got in the car and just looked around to see if anything was weird. I just seen that it was definitely a females car, gym sneakers, girl bag. My heart was beating so fast and I really didn't want to think that he would be crazy enough to have me in a chicks car that he was cheating on me with. I asked him again who's car it was and he told me again it was his friend, girlfriend car. He seen my face and he went to rub my stomach. I slapped his hand away and looked at him as if I could kill him. Told him that he was crazy if he thought I was going to let him rub my stomach after I just got rid of our child. He sucked his teeth and put his hand back on the steering wheel. He dropped me off and told me that he needed to bring his friend car back, and that he would call me later. I told him I didn't want him to leave but he said that he would come back over. Told me he loved me and walked out the door.
I went to go lay in the bed and something was not sitting right with me. I got up and called him because I left my bag in the car and wanted him to bring it back to me. The phone went to straight to voicemail and I didn't understand why he turned off his phone again. I knew his phone was charged because when we were in the car, I seen the battery was fully charged. I decided to leave a message on his house phone, I dialed the number and a female picked up the phone. I asked who I was speaking with and she gave me her name and said hello to me like she knew who I was. I asked her how does she know me, and she said you and your daughters father have a child together and that she was his GIRLFRIEND.. to be cont..
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