Facing Adversity

Today was a rough day for me at work, I had so much mail and packages that I wanted to get sick and go home. I fought through it and made it back safe and sound. I had to keep a positive outlook on things to push through.  I find that with my profession it isn’t always easy to keep a positive attitude. You have to deal with so many different personalities, job duties, and pressure from management. I’m learning that even though I want to complain about all the extra things I’m asked to do, I can’t complain because I’m blessed to have a job that provides for me and my family. I have gone through so many different adversities in my life and it has only made me the strong woman that I am today.

I feel like some people attract problems into their own lives. You want to be successful but you’re always complaining about your job, finances, and the relationships you have built. What have you changed within yourself to become successful in your career? Have you gone back to school, or applied to another job that you may actual like? Have you started a savings for the things that are important for your future? Pay off the credit cards, loans or borrowed monies that you owe. Change the people around you that aren’t benefiting you in a positive way. If you think keeping someone around that is always negative is a good things then you’re sadly mistaken. You have to learn to let some people go! You have to change your mind set about everything in your life. You want good things to happen in your life than speak them into your life. Let the people in your life know that if they are not riding with you than they need to get off the train and wait to piggy back off of someone else. 
We all go through a phase in our lives where things aren’t going as planned and we become complacent with where we are in life.  You don’t see a need to change and you don’t. I have been in this place and it’s not easy to get out of once your mind has been buried deep into negativity. Although, you may have people around you that are trying to help you get through; there help isn’t noticed because you don’t see a light at the end of your tunnel. It’s a battle that you and only you can fight. Your faith is questioned and you just stop believing.  It doesn’t matter who or what you believe in during this time, what matters is that you start to believe that your life matters. Your life can be what you want it because you start to see things different, you start doing things differently.

You get my point, so and I’m not going to drag it out by saying all the things you could 
change. I’m going to say this and this only. Change your mind set and things will become clearer for you. Like I said before I have been in this place and I don’t want to ever go back there. It’s still a process and I still go through different transitions in my life. It makes me remember that although I may go through these different situations in my life; I have to learn from them and move on without feeling defeated. You want to be the Victor not the Victim. Think about that quote and you will understand what I’m saying. I’m going to be victorious and not defeated by any adversities that may come.  It’s late and I have to prepare for work. Which mean I have to get up earlier than I would like and do a route that I don’t know but is it all good? Yes, it is and you know why it’s all good? It’s all good because I love my job and I’m blessed to be able to have a job! Face your adversities my fellow followers. 

Until next time be blessed and goodnight!


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