This post may offend some and it may not but if you know like I know that the first line already warns you. So take heed to the warning!!! The topic is about being unsatisfied in a relationship; mentally, physically, sexually but mostly emotionally. I often question myself when it comes to making sure that I am satisfying my partner. I always feel like I do a good job in all areas of the relationship but that all changes when you’re told otherwise. It blew my mind to think that I’m doing pretty good only to be shot down and told to try again. Me, try again, Huh. This is not happening and I know that it hasn’t happened before. However, I guess even the most confident person can be shot down and told that something’s isn't working. Some things like what you may be thinking because I was thinking the same thing when I was told I wasn’t. I will go through each word that I mentioned previously before. Mentally : I always feel that you have to be on the same page men...