Some people aren't worth your time or the air you breathe. Deep! Some will suck you dry and wait until your last breath to let you go. No need to wonder how this happened. We continue to let people in our realm without knowing who they are. Not everyone is your friend, not everyone who you call family is family. Deep! It's the truth. We must treat our life like it's our last breath. You anticipate the unexpected, you utilize whatever or whoever it is around that is beneficial not just in that moment but for a lifetime. Yes, I understand we are not made to live forever. However, we were made to live, right?. So, if your not living than your slowly killing yourself. Stop worrying about making everything right. Sometimes you need to look at whats wrong so that you can make it right. Our time is precious, and so is the air (God in my case) that gives you life. Stop holding on to those who will put a knee in your chest and wait till that very moment, then they'll free you. You are worth much more than that, and until you start believing that you'll continue to try and catch your breath. The say when you find love it's like someone snatched the air right out of you. Well honestly I don't want any type of love that will potentially kill me. I've been through to much to allow anyone or anything to keep holding me down. I want too breathe every breath I can. I will learn that just because you have a moment of trying to catch your breath, doesn't mean you should lose it. People will constantly use you until they have gotten all that they needed and dispose of you afterwards. If anyone says that they love you and want the best for you, then I pray that it comes from a genuine place. I'm rambling but I know this will touch someone and hopefully help them to breathe again.
Be blessed in all that you do.
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