Losing Yourself

                                                     (I do not own this picture)

Today has been a great day, I got off work early and now I am able to get some writing done. I’ve been MIA for a minute so I haven’t been able to keep you updated with what has been going on with me.  I’m finally in a relationship with someone and I love how things are going. We have our ups and downs but it seems like we are in it for the long run. That’s a whole other blog in itself because I’m sure many will be shocked once I tell my story. However I have a topic that hits home for me because 

I believe a lot of people go through this very situation
I think some of us lose who we are as a person to make everyone else around us happy. Afraid of not being loved and accepted, we tend to forget who we really are; a Christian, a Jew, Gay, a Teacher etc. You get the point in what I’m saying and my only question is why we have to lose ourselves for someone else’s happiness. Would they change who they are for you? I doubt it.

I know someone who feels this way and it hurts me that they rather put their own happiness to the side to appease others.  When do we say enough is enough and demand that the people who say they care about us accept who we are? It just makes me mad that someone that says they love you can be quick to judge you. I always say those that are quick to judge have the worst issues within themselves.
I want to touch on a subject that is a bit touchy and I say that it’s a touchy because people are still not accepting of the choices some make. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about; I’m talking about the sexuality of some individuals. I know that the Gay community has hard because people don’t feel that their lifestyle is right but who are we to judge who someone chooses to be with. Only God can judge, yet we have many families that are divided because of it. Why do some people feel that it’s important that men and woman be with the opposite sex, when being in a relationship? Now, if I chose to be with a woman would this make me less of a woman because I want to be with one or does this change that me as a person? To answer my previous questions, it simple: no it doesn’t change who I am nor does it make me less of a woman. Don’t get me wrong now; I understand the biblical perception on it. I grew up being taught that its wrong way of living and it’s ungodly. However, there is nowhere in the bible that tells us that we should turn our back on each or judge any individual living that lifestyle. Question is do you love your child any less because of the lifestyle he or she has chosen to live. Unfortunately, some have disowned their children because of their choices. I don’t understand how any parent can make their child feel like they are an abomination to the world.  You gave birth to this child and you fell in love with him or her the moment they laid eyes on them and now you can remove yourself from his or her life.  How this is possible I don’t know? I could never stop loving my child and I don’t know how anyone else could.

My point to this is that because of the drastic measurements people go through to make a person feel that their choice is wrong; causes that person to put on a façade. I’m not just talking about being gay either. I’m talking about religion, careers and even the choice of men or woman. This causes some people to take on a role that satisfy everyone else but themselves. Which is why drugs, alcoholism and now depression is a huge cause of people committing suicide. Why are we not looking at this with our eyes and minds open? Our actions and words are just as bad as serial killers intent on wiping out all prostitutes he can pick up because he feels they have no respect for themselves. Does he know their stories and why they have chosen that lifestyle? No, he doesn’t and he doesn’t care either.

You don’t have to physically abuse someone for them to feel pain.  It’s all in how we treat a person.  It’s like this just because a person practice Buddhism or Christianity doesn’t mean that you should judge them because they don’t believe what you do.  Who says what you believe is the best choice for that person. I could actually go on and on about this topic because it’s something we deal with every day but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to change anytime soon.

I know some may not agree with me and it’s your choice not to but it’s my opinion and no one can change how I feel or what I think.  However, I do hope that this will help someone realize that they don’t have to change who they are as a person. If someone can’t accept you for who you are or what you believe in then they don’t deserve to be a part of your life and it may even be your family that hurt you the most.  You have to be strong and be confident in who you are as a person.  I’m asking you; if you are battling depression or thoughts of suicide PLEASE SEEK HELP. There are people out there willing to help you be in a better place. Why give someone so much power that they can eliminate you without touching you. Until next time be blessed and love yourself more!!


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