At a lost for words!!
Why is it that when I’m doing well, things start to fall apart. I know it’s been a while and it always seems like I take forever to post up a blog, but I promise you it’s not because I don’t want to. It’s more like life is kicking me in the ass and I don’t know how to stop it. Some reading this may tell me to pray, I’ve done that and as soon as things start turning around BAM!! I am hit with something else. I had honestly hoped that I could go one year without another death in my family. Wrong, I’ve been dealing with death in my family since 2012 and it’s been a battle since then. The loss of my mother was excruciating and the pain never stops. I find that what happens is the pain subsides until a memory or event happens. That’s when I begin to question why do I have to go through this. Seems like I’m right back at that same point again, why? The reason I say this is because my Godmother died last month and it was so unexpected. She goes from having a cold to having m...